How to make yourself pee

How to make yourself pee

Can you make yourself pee?

A healthy individual shouldn’t need to push themselves to urinate under regular circumstances. Instead, the body will alert a person when it’s time to urinate. Urination should only be compelled when necessary to obtain a medical sample.

Urination can be challenging for some people due to medical ailments including prostate issues or bladder infections. Instead of attempting to force urination in these situations, a person should seek medical assistance to address the underlying source of their symptoms.

Additionally, there are occasions when a person must urinate urgently without having time to prepare in advance, whether it be for a urine sample or another purpose.

This article demonstrates several methods and tips to help trigger urine when necessary.

Why would I want to make myself pee?

Ever ponder how your body determines when it’s time to urinate? Typically, the neurological system of an individual is in charge of alerting them when their bladder is full and needs to be emptied.

Your body is instructed by your nervous system to notify your brain when your bladder is full. Your abdomen feels pressured when you need to urinate, indicating that it’s time to use the restroom. A feeling of pressure and fullness is frequently experienced.

A person may typically rely on these organic cues to recognize when urine is necessary. You might, however, need to coerce your body into urinating occasionally.

Sometimes urination is required often and on-demand for medical operations. For instance, when a doctor requests that you provide urine for analysis during a checkup. It’s known as a urinalysis. Your doctor will provide you with a clean plastic container into which you can urinate, after which they will test your urine.

Among the most frequent causes a person might have to urinate immediately for a medical examination is:

  • a drug-test
  • exams using ultrasound or radiology
  • Blood tests, urine cultures, and urinalysis
  • Urodynamic examinations, which evaluate how well the body stores and releases urine, and cystoscopy, which uses a thin tube with a camera to check the bladder and urethra
  • neurogenic bladder (a disorder when the nerves are unable to communicate with the brain about when to urinate. Because they cannot feel when their bladder is full, it can lead a person to either hold pee for an excessive amount of time or have difficulties urinating.)

If you opt to hold your urine in, it contains waste products that might be harmful to your body.

How to make yourself pee

A person may be able to make themselves urinate whenever they want in a number of different ways. These methods might not be effective for everyone. Finding the approach that works best for a person could require trying a few different approaches. The following procedures are suggested by the National Institutes of Health:

Dipping your hand into hot water

The need to urinate can be induced by dipping your hand in warm water. While seated at the toilet, one should perform this. One can stream warm water over their hand from the faucet if the toilet is next to a sink or bathtub.

Rubbing the region between the navel and pubic bone

A person can tap the region between the belly button and the pubic bone while seated on the toilet. Every 30 seconds, one might tap the area close to the bladder with the fingertips to help one urinate more frequently.

Sniff some peppermint oil

You could feel the urge to urinate when you inhale peppermint oil. Bring a cotton ball and a few drops of liquid to the bathroom with you. Sit down, unwind, and take a whiff of the cotton ball. Perhaps you should try pouring the peppermint oil right into the toilet.

Take a walk

The bladder can occasionally be stimulated by exercise. When you feel the urge to urinate, try walking around a room or a hallway.

Rinse your genital area.

The area of flesh between the genitals and the anus is known as the perineum. Try to unwind as you sit on the toilet. Warm water in a squirt bottle should be used to rinse your perineum.

Drinking and making an attempt to urinate

While trying to urinate, drinking water or another low-sugar beverage may also cause the body to urinate. People might need to take several sips of the liquid before attempting to urinate. It is not advised to consume alcohol or caffeinated drinks because they can further dehydrate a person.

Running water

Urination can be prompted by the sound of water. A person who is having problems urinating should flush the toilet before using it or turn on the bathroom sink before trying to poop.

Some people discover that listening to recordings of water running can have the same effect.

Stooping forward

While seated on the toilet, bending forward increases pressure on the bladder, which may lead to increased urination.

Valsalva maneuver practice

In order to perform the Valsalva technique, one must push down as though trying to urinate. It could be beneficial to push on the lower abdomen with the forearm.

Direct pressure on the bladder should be avoided as this might cause urine to back up into the kidneys and perhaps result in an infection.


Simple physical activities like walking or jumping jacks can aid with urination.

A person might want to walk around the house or office a few times before using the restroom to encourage urine.

Rubbing the inner thigh

On the toilet, rubbing your inner thigh can help you feel the urge to urinate. A person should use their palms or fingers to gently massage the interior of their leg.

Using relaxation methods

One can try some simple relaxation techniques to induce urination if they are anxious or upset about not being able to urinate.

A person can concentrate on relaxing their muscles while keeping their eyes closed, beginning with their fingers and hands and moving through every portion of their body. The intention is to relax the bladder and promote urination.


Being able to relax sufficiently to allow yourself to urinate on command is essential. While occasionally necessary for medical reasons, doing this can be challenging.

After trying these methods, let your doctor know immediately if you’re still having difficulties passing pee. You might need to be catheterized, or you might be suffering from a condition that makes it difficult for you to urinate.


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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