How much should an 11 year old weigh

How much should an 11-year-old weigh?

Pre-adolescence begins at the age of ten (sometimes later or earlier), and it is a time when children mature and develop rapidly.

You’ll note that some teen boys’ voices will begin to deepen, while other teen ladies’ periods will begin. As a parent, you may notice that your children are older or more childlike than other children their age.

Usually, at this age, children’s bodies begin to alter dramatically, most notably in weight. Some children grow far more quickly than others.

This is something they may be concerned about. However, there is an average weight range for children aged 11 years.

This article will discuss 11-year-olds’ BMI and average weight, as well as the factors that influence their weight during this time.

How much should an 11-year-old weigh?

It is claimed that a child’s growth should be consistent over time. Because children normally go through a phase of “huge growth,” or rapid weight and height gain, these changes will be visible throughout several years rather than just one.

Many studies have indicated that children gain approximately 5 pounds every year. By the age of 11, children will have reached a specific weight, according to the conventional growth chart for children [source].

Average weight for an 11-year-old boy

The average weight of an 11-year-old kid is roughly 78.5 pounds (35.6 kg). It’s possible that this is a little smaller than that of a girl.

For boys this age, the normal weight range is between 40 and 90 pounds. Furthermore, as a means of compensating for late puberty, boys tend to grow significantly faster at the conclusion of puberty.

For children of this age, maintaining a healthy and strong body mass is critical. It’s a good place to start when deciding how much your 11-year-old child should weigh.

Every parent should be aware that their teenagers are at risk for significant health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, and so on.

Average weight for an 11-year-old girl

For many of you, this might come as a surprise. 11-year-old girls weigh more than 11-year-old boys during this time. They weigh roughly 81.5 pounds on average (or 36.9 kg).

However, 11-year-old girls will be able to fall into a healthy weight range (53 to 102 pounds) without being overweight or underweight.

Body Mass Index (BMI) for 11-year-olds

If you want to find out how healthy your child is, utilize the BMI (Body Mass Index) indication. However, it should be emphasized that BMI findings are not always a precise indicator of whether or not your children are healthy.

In fact, some children may have a greater BMI than others who have a BMI within the recommended range yet are nonetheless healthy.

The main reason for this is that BMI is calculated using weight and height as inputs. However, there are other factors that influence the health of an 11-year-old child.

One of them is muscle mass, which does not appear in the BMI charts and is not calculated.

To determine the optimal or healthy weight and height for your 11-year-old teenagers, use the CDC’s (center for disease control) BMI calculator.

Children with an abnormally high BMI may be overweight, whereas children with an abnormally low BMI may need to gain weight.

Because BMI isn’t always the best indicator of a child’s health, it’s better to get medical advice if you’re concerned about your child’s BMI or the possibility of growth retardation [source].

What Influences the Average Weight of an 11-Year-Old Adolescent?

In actuality, determining an 11-year-old teenager’s typical weight is more difficult. This is owing to the fact that a variety of factors can influence a young adolescent’s body weight.

They include; genetics, height, growth speed, location, or environment.


In addition to food and activity levels, the genes that your kids acquire from you can have a significant impact on their body composition and shape.

To put it another way, fat distributions and body compositions will alter depending on one’s genetic history. As a result, your children can be significantly heavier or lighter than the typical acceptable range.


One of the most important factors that determine your children’s body weight is their height. Although it is possible that shorter children weigh less than taller children, this is not always the case.

Bone density and muscle mass are two other essential factors to consider. Furthermore, you should be aware that there is a wide variety of body structural variances.

Muscle weighs more than fat, as is well known. As a result, a youngster who is leaner or stores more fat than muscle tissue is more likely to weigh less than a muscular child.

Growth speed

Almost every youngster between the ages of 8 and 14 experiences puberty. When comparing the body proportions and mass of the other 13-year-olds in the room, you’ll notice a wide variety of differences.

Some children have completed puberty, while others are only beginning to progress through the many stages of physical maturation.

Location / Environment

Some parents may be surprised to learn that the place in which their children live might have an impact on their height, weight, and size.

This can be linked to a variety of factors, including cultural traditions, heredity, puberty, food availability, and so on. All of these features can be changed based on your geographic location from anywhere on the globe.

How Can You Help An 11-Year-Old Develop?

Physical size, in reality, is only a small portion of the equation. There’s a lot more to consider when it comes to an 11-year-average old’s weight.

As a parent, you should cherish these aspects of your children’s lives and encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. And here are some suggestions for your 11-year-old children.

Good sleeping habit

The majority of youngsters this age fall asleep quickly. However, there are a variety of other factors that can keep kids awake, including extensive schooling, a strong desire to play the game, or playing with their peers.

In this scenario, even on weekends, you should set a consistent bedtime for them to support excellent sleep habits.


Most youngsters of this age will consume a variety of meals in a number of ways, though not usually in the same order. Here are some suggestions for motivating your 11-year-old children to eat more healthily.

These include limiting snacks outside of the house, putting more colorful foods in their bowls, and eating meals with kids while having meaningful conversations.

You can also gently introduce the topic of eating nutritious foods to children. Furthermore, it’s important to keep in mind that youngsters learn by seeing you eat. As a result, they have complete control over what they eat.

Sex education

By the time children reach the age of eleven, they have learned a great deal about their bodies and what they are capable of. It’s also a good opportunity to have a discussion about sex education with your children.

It is not advisable to wait till they are older to discuss this. One of the reasons for this is that today’s children of this age develop their physical health considerably more quickly than in past generations.

As a result, make sure you educate your children about sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and the changes that occur in their bodies and how they function.

Healthy lifestyle

It’s fantastic to learn how much your 11-year-old adolescent should weigh. It is, however, significantly more important to pay attention to their medical conditions.

To achieve this, smoking, alcohol, narcotics, intimidation, bullying, and other variables should be avoided.

Allow your teens to have appropriate relaxation time with leisure such as video games, television, movies, and other forms of entertainment, as well as a healthy social circle with their friends.


The average weight of 11-year-old teen girls and boys is 81.5 lb (36.9 kg) and 78.5 lb (35.6 kg). Even if they surpass or fall short of this weight, they can still be healthy.

Rather than focusing solely on the weight range, it is more vital for you as a parent to monitor changes in your 11-year-old children and encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle (eating, playing, sleeping, etc.).

What is the average weight for a 12-year-old?


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for and a writer for Wapomu

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Dr. Abel Daartey is a pharmacist by profession, a teacher, and a mentor by nature. He enjoys reading scientific journals and articles and publications in neuroscience and related topics. He aims at churning out content that educates the public and health care providers in meeting the healthcare needs of the populace.

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