Can someone with diabetes get a pedicure

Can someone with diabetes get a pedicure?

You must exercise caution if you have type 2 diabetes when obtaining a pedicure due to the potential dangers. The possibility of infection is one. Infection increases the risk of more serious issues like ulcers and even amputation while also causing your blood sugar levels to rise and obstruct appropriate healing.

Therefore, make sure that going to the nail salon is okay with your doctor before scheduling one. Additionally, look into the regulations governing nail salon operations in your area.

Can someone with diabetes get a pedicure?

Pedicures with diabetes don’t always mix well. According to podiatrist Lee J. Sanders DPM in Diabetes Forecast, a magazine of the American Diabetes Association, having diabetes puts you at a higher risk for a number of issues related to obtaining a pedicure at a salon.

The potential of infection makes any injury to your feet, according to the Mayo Clinic, a serious worry if you have diabetes. Your capacity to heal may be hampered by an illness that causes your blood sugar to rise. Diabetes patients run the danger of developing foot ulcers and potentially losing a foot. It’s critical to take exceptional care of your feet.

Why is getting a pedicure risky if you have diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause problems with the neurological, cardiovascular, and circulatory systems. Diabetes patients who get pedicures run the risk of developing infections because of the following reasons:

Poor blood flow

Uncontrolled diabetic patients have poor circulation and reduced blood flow, making them more susceptible to infections. Your skin may become damaged if the spa professional nicks your cuticles or exfoliates them too roughly, which could result in a severe wound that heals slowly.

Unhygienic surroundings

Additionally, difficult-to-treat fungi can grow under your nails in an unsterile environment.

Decreased pain perception

People with diabetes may have diminished pain perceptions that could render them oblivious even if a cut or nick occurs because diabetes can also damage the nerves (diabetic neuropathy).

Enlarged nails

Ingrown toenails can result from pedicures if the nails are trimmed too short. An ingrown toenail and exposed skin can cause foot infections in people with diabetes who have diabetic neuropathy or poorly managed blood sugar levels.

If you have diabetes, what are the risks of getting a pedicure?

The following are some hazards of obtaining a pedicure if you have diabetes:

  • Infections
  • Wounds heal slowly
  • Ulcers
  • Gangrene that could necessitate amputating the foot or leg

Diabetes patients are more likely to get an infection, particularly if they sustain a cut or abrasion. Elevated blood sugar levels brought on by infection can impair wound healing and result in the development of ulcers. Rarely, it can cause gangrene and necessitate an immediate amputation.

How can diabetics get a pedicure?

Proper foot care is essential if you have diabetes. If you’re thinking of getting a pedicure, consider these suggestions.

Make sure to bring your own pedicure kit

Bring your own if you can to be safe. This substantially lowers the chance of contracting infections. You have no idea how sanitary these salons’ equipment is. Bring your own pedicure supplies if you want to be on the safe side.

Before the pedicure starts, mention that you have diabetes.

Request that the technician refrain from doing anything that can irritate or hurt the skin. If you don’t like what the technician is doing, say something.

Prior to getting a pedicure, wait one or two days before shaving your legs.

Shaving increases the risk of infection by leaving microscopic nicks on your skin. A lack of sensation in the affected areas may result from neuropathy. People with diabetic neuropathy may let minor wounds or blisters on their feet grow into larger sores or ulcers that could spread infection because they are unable to feel discomfort.

Locate a salon that is spotless and upholds the highest standards of hygiene.

You should ask the management about their sterilizing practices and mention that you have diabetes. Reputable salons will cooperate with you and demonstrate their procedures. Between each customer, foot tubs should be cleansed and sanitized. Clippers and other tools should be cleaned and sterilized in a surgical autoclave, which employs pressurized steam to sterilize instruments, or in a disinfectant solution.

Know when to forego a pedicure

Avoid the salon and the numerous risks if you presently have any infections, wounds, or open sores on your legs, feet, or toenails. This includes neuropathy, a form of nerve damage that can develop as a result of diabetes. For a recommendation to a podiatrist or other professional with the medical training to take care of your feet, speak with your doctor.

Bring up safety precautions

As too short of a nail trim might encourage ingrown toenails and infection, ask the technician to avoid doing so. Make sure the edges of your toenails are rounded off using a file so they are not sharp.

Avoid any services that could cause skin damage.

Never permit the technician to use any sharp objects on your skin or under your toenails, or to cut your cuticles. Instead, using an orange stick—a thin stick typically made of orange wood—gently push the cuticles back after your feet have been soaking in water for a few minutes and the skin around your toes has softened.

A home pedicure procedure

You can perform a pedicure in the convenience and security of your own home if you are unsure about obtaining one at a salon. The following are some pointers for self-pedicures:

  • Foot washing and drying
  • Trim your nails precisely.
  • Avoid cutting the cuticles by gently pushing them back.
  • To make the skin on your heels smooth, use a soft pumice stone.
  • While moisturizing your feet, avoid moisturizing in between your toes as this might serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.


Keep a tight check on your feet and toenails following any pedicure. Make an appointment with a podiatrist straight away if you notice any infection-related symptoms, such as pain, redness, or discoloration. Pedicure-related injuries can be treated right away to avoid them becoming more serious conditions.


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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