Is a green bean a fruit or vegetable

Is a green bean a fruit or vegetable?

One of the most popular foods consumed worldwide, green beans are frequently available. These beans are used in a variety of ways by people around the world. Some beans are even dried to extract the seeds, which are then used to make delectable foods.

Even though this cuisine is well-liked all across the world, many are still unsure about how to categorize green beans. Are they vegetables or fruits? Continue reading this article to find out the answer.

Is a green bean a fruit or vegetable?

According to botany, the green bean is a young, unripe fruit that grows on many bean plant varieties. There are 130 cultivars of plants known to produce green beans, not just one type. Therefore, although most shops name these plants as “vegetables,” they are essentially “fruits.”

Green beans are considered a vegetable even though they are really fruits, according to the laws of botany. According to Toby Adams, the director of the Edible Academy at the New York Botanical Garden, A green bean is essentially a seed-filled pod, and fruits are structures that house seeds. According to Adams, the green bean is a “dry fruit,” meaning that after it has reached maturity, the pod will dry out and crack open to reveal a mature seed.

Health benefits of green bean

More plant-based diets, including green beans, may reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality, according to numerous studies. The health advantages of eating green beans or including them in your diet are listed below.

Good for pregnancy and fertility

According to Harvard Medical School, increasing the amount of iron a woman of childbearing age consumes from plant sources including spinach, beans, pumpkin, and green beans may help with fertility.

According to other studies, a woman’s level of fertility and the amount of nutrients, particularly iron, she consumes, are related.

Iron absorption can be enhanced by consuming foods high in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, or berries, together with foods high in iron.

To prevent the fetus against neural tube abnormalities, pregnant women must consume enough folic acid. One cup of green beans has around 10% of the recommended daily intake of folic acid and 6% of the recommended daily intake of iron.

Helps with cancer

Chlorophyll is present in large amounts in green beans. This could counteract the carcinogenic effects of the heterocyclic amines produced during the high-temperature grilling of meats. To reduce the risk, people who enjoy their grilled meal scorched should serve it alongside green vegetables.

Supports bone health

An increased risk of bone fracture is linked to a poor intake of vitamin K. By altering bone matrix proteins, enhancing calcium absorption, and lowering urine calcium excretion, adequate vitamin K intake enhances bone health.

14.4 micrograms of vitamin K, or nearly 20% of the daily recommended amount, and 4% of the recommended daily intake of calcium may both be found in one cup of green beans.

It is crucial to keep in mind that vegetables like green beans are an essential part of our diet because of their combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, not only because of their individual benefits.

It has been demonstrated that obtaining these beneficial nutrients in supplement form after their isolation will not yield the same results. The ideal way to eat them is as a part of a balanced, nutritious diet.


Getting enough folate each day may also lessen depression. An excess of homocysteine in the body can be avoided by consuming enough folate. Homocysteine levels that are too high can prevent the brain from receiving blood and other essential nutrients as well as interfere with the production of the feel-good hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which control mood, sleep, and appetite.

Better your heart health

Fiber, a crucial ingredient for numerous reasons, is abundant in green beans. By reducing your levels of harmful cholesterol, soluble fiber in particular may assist to improve the health of your heart.

Maintain Gut Health

Green beans’ high fiber content supports a healthy, efficient digestive tract. However, some types of fiber can be detrimental to your health if you have a digestive issue like irritable bowel syndrome, causing gas, bloating, and discomfort in your intestines.

Avoiding foods high in FODMAP often helps people with irritable bowel syndrome (and other digestive problems) feel better. Carbohydrates called FODMAPs may not be easily absorbed. Green beans are a low-FODMAP food that can aid in easing digestive disease symptoms.

Possible Aid for Anemia

Red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to all other cells in your body, are absolutely necessary and include iron. Anemia, which is characterized by exhaustion, weakness, and lightheadedness, can result from insufficient iron intake. A good source of plant-based iron that can assist to guarantee you get the amount you need to prevent anemia is found in green beans.

Provides energy 

Green beans contain roughly twice as much iron as spinach. Red blood cells, which contain iron, are necessary for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all of the cells in the body. Green beans are what you need if you have a slow metabolism or poor energy.

Green beans improve your skin, nails, and hair

Your skin, hair, and nails will benefit greatly from consuming this nutrient powerhouse. Green beans are a great source of silicon, which is readily absorbed and essential for the development of strong connective tissues, strong nails, and healthy skin.

Limit the effects of detox

With their potent diuretic qualities, green beans can help your body detox and get rid of harmful pollutants.

Good for the eyes

Green beans, which are high in carotenoids, may be useful in avoiding macular degeneration (a condition that causes decrease in vision and eye function). Additionally, they contain a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin, which support healthy vision and night vision.

Green Beans: How to Prepare Them

One of the most adaptable legumes is green beans. They are available in fresh form in the freezer aisle, the vegetable area, and even in cans. Here are a few popular preparation methods for them:

  • cooking them into a green bean casserole
  • stir-fried with other vegetables
  • garlic sautéed with butter or olive oil
  • oven-roasted

Choosing and storing green beans

Green beans that are fresh are the healthiest alternative. Look for beans that are a vibrant green color and are devoid of blemishes and black stains. The beans must not be weak. Eat fresh green beans as soon as possible after harvesting or purchasing them for the greatest nutritional value.

Green beans might lose part of their nutritional value when they are cooked or frozen, including vitamin C. As a result, simmer green beans in a little water for the shortest time possible without thawing frozen ones.

Within a week, store fresh green beans in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

The takeaway from this article

Green beans are technically fruits, according to botany. Some of the more well-known names for them include snap beans and string beans. However, despite their name, they are not usually green. Green beans may have few calories, but they are packed with vital nutrients that have a number of positive health effects.


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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