Why does my pee smell like sulfur

Why does my pee smell like sulfur?

It’s typical for pee to smell strongly. In actuality, each person’s urine has a distinct aroma of its own. People occasionally report that their urine (pee) has a sulfur or rotten egg smell.

Sometimes, taking certain medications or eating particular foods can cause this, in which case the smell should only last a short while. In other instances, if your pee smells like sulfur, it could be the result of an underlying ailment.

Urine occasionally even has an egg-like odor. But there is no reason to be alarmed by this sulfurous scent. It might be typical.

However, if you also experience additional symptoms in addition to a sulfur smell in your urine, it may be a sign of an infection or disease.

Reasons why my pee smells like sulfur

Let’s take a look at the common causes or reasons why your pee will smell like sulfur.


The odor of the urine may also change as a result of some drugs or supplements. These consist of dietary supplements such as B vitamins as well as sulfa medications for the treatment of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other illnesses.

Increasing your water intake may help mask the odor by diluting the body’s sulfur components. Changing drugs may be best discussed with a doctor if the issue persists or gets worse.

In an earlier article, we shared ways and means through which you can make yourself pee. You check it out here.

Certain foods and asparagus

After eating asparagus, it’s well known that your pee will smell like sulfur. This is because the asparagusic acid it contains is converted by our bodies into molecules that include sulfur. The unique sulfur smell is brought on by these compounds, which leave the body through urine.

Additionally, eating a lot of onions or garlic can contribute to this stench. The only way to prevent the stench is to avoid certain foods. However, you can lessen the intensity of the stench by consuming lots of water prior to and during meals that contain these foods. This may avoid or lessen the sulfur odor by diluting the chemicals in the urine.


Water derived from meals is combined with toxins and compounds that the body filters and excretes to form urine. The urine becomes concentrated when the body is not properly hydrated. This can make it appear darker yellow or orange, and it frequently gives off a strong stench.

Dehydration may make any sulfuric chemicals in the body much more apparent in the urine. To stay hydrated, people should consume a lot of fluids throughout the day, especially after physical activity.

Avoiding diuretic beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol may also be beneficial because they increase urination and lower fluid levels in the body.

Dehydration is known to affect the body in several ways but one common thing people who are dehydrated always worry about is the impact on their blood pressure. Check this previously published article to learn more about the impact of dehydration on your blood pressure.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Urine color or odor alterations are frequently brought on by UTIs. Urinary tract infections may result in a buildup of bacteria, pus, or even blood in the urine, which may alter the scent and occasionally make your pee smell like sulfur.

UTIs should always be treated by a doctor because they can become serious if left untreated. Anyone who thinks they may have a UTI should see a doctor as soon as possible to get a diagnosis and the appropriate medical care.

UTIs are brought on by a variety of microorganisms, but the majority are effectively treated with antibiotics.


Some alterations in urine may be seen by diabetics. When blood sugar levels are excessively high, ketone bodies are created in the body. These ketones are excreted in the urine by the body, which may alter the urine’s odor.

Along with other symptoms including excessive thirst, fatigue, and mood swings, people living with diabetes are likely to have their pee smell like sulfur.

Such individuals should make sure they are utilizing their insulin correctly and measuring the right amount each time they take it in order to get rid of the sulfur smell from their urine.

The symptom might go away if blood sugar levels are more effectively managed. To give the patient more control, some doctors may prescribe extra medications.

Liver issues

It may also be more difficult for the body to remove toxins from the urine if there is liver damage or a condition that prevents the liver from functioning properly. This may cause modifications to the urine, one of which can be an unpleasant sulfur-like odor.

Additional symptoms, such as the following, frequently surface if the liver is in trouble:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • darker-than-normal pee
  • abdomen pain
  • skin that is turning yellow
  • swelling of the legs and feet

If you happen to display any of these signs, you ought to visit the physician for a diagnosis. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment may involve making dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as taking specific drugs.


Cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder brought on by an accumulation of bacteria, is frequently the result. This might be caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI) or even dysbiosis, in which bad bacteria overpopulate and displace beneficial bacteria in the body.

As the pee sits in the bladder, the extra bacteria may alter its appearance or smell, which may produce a sulfurous odor.

Cystitis requires immediate medical attention. In addition to drinking more water and other liquids, such as cranberry juice or herbal tea, to help mask the odor, antibiotics may be used to treat bacterial infections.


Urine may also smell sulfurous as a result of prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate. Prostate inflammation can be brought on by a UTI or other illness.

Other symptoms of prostatitis include the need to urinate immediately or with difficulty because the prostate is pressing against the bladder. Many patients experience pain between their anus and scrotum, while other people may experience deep abdominal pain.

The cause of prostatitis will determine the course of treatment. Infection may necessitate the use of antibacterial drugs.

Alpha-blocker medications are sometimes prescribed by medical professionals to help calm the local muscles. Heat therapy may help to lessen some symptoms, and anti-inflammatory drugs may also reduce pain and swelling. Surgery may be required in rare circumstances.


A fistula is an irregular connection between two bodily parts. Urine scent may change if there is a connection between your intestines and bladder. The bladder picks up bacteria from the intestines, which is why the sulfuric stink is so overpowering.

A fistula may be the cause of recurring UTIs or bladder infections, therefore it’s important to get checked out. A physician can decide this. If so, they might suggest having it surgically fixed.


When there is too much methionine in your blood, hypermethioninemia develops. It is an inherited disorder. The ineffective breakdown of the methionine can cause your urine to smell like eggs. The fragrance of your sweat or breath may also be impacted by this.

Other signs of hypermethioninemia include neurological issues, liver issues, muscle weakness, and developmental delays in young children.

If you have hypermethioninemia, a physician can come up with an appropriate treatment strategy. A low-methionine diet and medicines to treat your symptoms can be part of this.


Sulfur-smelling urine is typically a transient symptom that goes away after a few bathroom visits. However, if the scent persists after a few days or if the patient also experiences any of the following symptoms, they should see a doctor: Pain in the back, pelvis, or abdomen, bloody urine, hazy urine, white streaks in the pee, or trouble urinating


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for enochkabange.com and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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