Why do my tears burn like acid

Why do my tears burn like acid?

Do you have a feeling that your tears burn like acid when they roll down your cheeks?

The last thing you expect when crying is to feel a scorching feeling on your skin, but many individuals have experienced this sensation and have pondered why it occurs. Tears are regularly produced to keep our eyes moist, and they are also required for good eye function and excellent vision.

In this post, we will address the subject of “why do my tears burn like acid,” as well as how to better care for your eyes and skin in the future to avoid this problem.

Why do my tears burn like acid?

Tears are produced continuously to keep our eyes moist. They are required for the normal functioning of our eyes and the ability to see well. The lacrimal glands, which are located inside the upper eyelids, generate tears.

Tears cover the entire surface of the eye when we blink. The tear then drains into the nasal cavity via the tear ducts at the upper and lower eyelids’ junction. Here, the tear is reabsorbed. Even if we aren’t aware of it, this mechanism is always at work.

Our eyes produce 50-100 liters of tears in a year and on some occasions, the tears can burn like acid when we cry.

When we cry, the salt created in our eyes flows towards our skin, which causes our eyes to burn. Also, when we cry, the salt in our tears irritates our skin, causing our eyes to burn like acid.

When we cry, we touch our eyes continually with our hands. Our skin becomes irritated as a result of this. The salt burns the irritating area when your tear goes to the affected skin.

Instead of washing your eyes to relieve irritation, gently press the napkin against your eyes and wait. The amount of fluid pouring from the eye will be absorbed by the napkin. This reduces the danger of eye irritation and helps you avoid acid burns.

Another cause is that your tears are insufficient in number or quality to offer the necessary lubrication and nutrition, thus, causing your eyes to burn. As a result, a painful sensation can emerge.

Other causes of burning eye

If the burning feeling lasts more than a few hours, it could be a sign of a serious condition such as Pink Eye (conjunctivitis), Dry Eyes, Blepharitis, or an allergic reaction. Seeing an eye doctor is the only way to diagnose and treat burning eyes.


The most prevalent cause of burning eyes is conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is caused by viruses or bacteria.

Pink eye, also known as viral conjunctivitis, is a highly infectious viral or bacterial infection that can affect one or both eyes and is transmitted through coughing or sneezing. Watery, burning, or stinging eyes are among the symptoms.

Dry Eye Syndrome

One common cause of burning feeling in the eyes is Dry Eye Syndrome. When the components are missing, whether, in the proper proportions and ratios (as in the case of dry eyes), the eyes become dry and irritated, which can result in a burning sensation.


Blepharitis is a condition that produces painful, red eyelids and crusty material at the root of the eyelashes. A burning or stinging feeling in the eyes, grittiness and itchy eyelids are all symptoms.

The sun

The organs most affected by its adverse effects are the eyes. The solar effect, which reveals itself in the form of redness in the eyes, persists in the form of chronic complaints and affects the quality of vision if no measures or treatments are done.


You may experience a burning sensation if you use some chemicals contained in household cleaning goods. Aerosol sprays and disinfectants contain volatile chemicals that are both polluting and irritating to the eyes.

Chlorine is another chemical that can cause eye irritation. The chlorine in swimming pool water, in particular, causes eye irritation. The risk of infection increases if the eyes have a little susceptibility.


Certain persons who are allergic to perfumes like perfume, cologne, shampoo, or skin lotion may feel eye irritation and a burning sensation.

Particles from the Environment in Your Eye

When particles become lodged in the eyes, they not only sting, but they can also cause a burning sensation. Small dust and dirt particles falling off the ground, in addition to pollen in the air, injure your eyes.

Wearing contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, the lens material or solutions are likely to irritate your eyes.


Uveitis is a type of eye inflammation. Blood vessels or the immune system, infection, or injury are some of the causes. Eye irritation, impaired vision, discomfort, and stinging pain are all symptoms of inflammation.

Consult your optometrist if you suffer burning or extreme redness in your eyes. Uveitis could be the cause.

Treatment for burning eyes

If you get a burning sensation in your eyes, see your eye doctor right away. The treatment for burning eyes is determined by the underlying cause.

Anti-inflammatory drops will be recommended if the eye doctor believes that you have Pink Eye or Blepharitis. These drops can provide significant relief because they rapidly and effectively target the source of the problem.

We can also assist if allergies are the source of the problem. Antihistamines and decongestants can help you feel better by reducing or eliminating the burning sensation.

Eliminating environmental causes or avoiding these surroundings will quickly put an end to the problem of eye burning.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Are pimples caused by tears?

Yes, since sobbing causes the pores to clog. Pimples and acne are frequently caused by skin oil and germs becoming stuck in pores, causing an inflammatory response. If you want to conceal the redness of your eyes with makeup, make sure to choose oil-free products to avoid aggravating the condition.

Why do tears leave red stains on your skin?

Porphyrin is a red chemical present in blood, muscles, and tears, among other biological activities.

When someone cries, their eyes emit more porphyrin-laden tears, which can color the skin around the eyes, resulting in “raccoon eye” circles. Some individuals conceal raccoon eyes with crimson or pink eyeliner. If you use too much eye makeup, your eyes may become dry and inflamed.

Why does crying itch my face?

Your face itches because your tears include salt, which dries out your skin. Dehydration in your tears can also deplete your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and sensitive to environmental irritations.

Because tears can make your tears itch, it’s best to apply a moisturizer after you’ve cried to restore moisture balance to your skin.


There are many reasons why your tears burn like acid when you cry. The salt content in your tears is one of the causes of this.

Another reason your eyes may burn is that your tears are insufficient in quantity or quality to provide the essential lubrication and nutrients. An unpleasant sensation may develop as a result.

Infections, environmental factors like wind, foreign substances, chemicals, and so on are other causes too.


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for enochkabange.com and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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