What are the signs that Plan B didn’t work

What are the signs that Plan B didn’t work?

What are the signs that Plan B didn’t work?

Plan B is primarily used because of unprotected intercourse. Plan B is an emergency contraceptive pill that helps to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. In the event of a birth control failure, Plan B is also employed.

Contraceptive failure is a major underlying cause of unintended pregnancies, according to studies, even though most unintended pregnancies occur because couples do not use contraception.

This is especially true where contraceptive prevalence is high and the contraceptive method skews toward methods with higher failure rates.

Continue reading to learn more about Plan B and the signs that it failed.

What is Plan B?

Plan B (levonorgestrel), sometimes known as the morning-after pill, is an oral medicine that prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex. It won’t help you get rid of an existing pregnancy or protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Plan B should be used as soon as possible after unprotected sex to have the optimum benefits or effectiveness.

How does plan b work?

Plan B is effective in two ways. It hinders the ovary from producing an egg as well as a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. When Plan B prevents the ovaries from producing an egg, the sperm have nothing to fertilize, therefore conception is not possible.

If a sperm has already fertilized an egg, Plan B prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, preventing pregnancy. If a fertilized egg has already been placed in the uterus, Plan B becomes unsuccessful.

Plan B will not work if you are already pregnant because it does not produce an abortion or miscarriage.

What are the signs that Plan B didn’t work?

Plan B is intended to keep your body’s hormone levels stable for a short period of time. Your hormone levels can swiftly decline if you don’t take them at the proper time. This could induce you to ovulate depending on where you are in your cycle. Ovulation can help you become pregnant more easily.

No contraceptive, even Plan B, is 100 percent trustworthy. Birth control pills, such as Plan B, are 99 percent successful when used correctly, but they can also fail.

Plan B failure can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Some women may forget to take the pill at the proper time when under the influence of alcohol.

Your body may not be able to absorb any of the hormones if you vomit too soon after taking Plan B. This can cause a reduction in hormone levels, which can lead to ovulation and the failure of Plan B.

The following are some indicators that Plan B failed:

Morning Sickness

It can happen at any time, as most pregnant women will tell you. It’s also a frequent pre-pregnancy symptom before you miss your period. Your body produces more estrogen and progesterone a few weeks after conception, causing nausea and vomiting.

Urination on a regular basis

If Plan B didn’t work, it may mean fertilization has occurred. Your kidneys work harder to filter the increased blood flow after conception, causing you to urinate more frequently. This symptom may appear just before your period is due.

Smell Sensitivity (Sensitivity to Smells)

Contraceptive failure and the resultant pregnancy might send a woman’s sense of smell into overdrive. Morning sickness and dietary preferences can be linked to exaggerated sensitivities to specific odors.

Scents that aren’t overpowering for other people can be overpowering and unpleasant for a pregnant woman.

Food Preferences Have Changed

If you suddenly notice a shift in your dietary preferences, it’s likely that Plan B failed and you’re pregnant. A few weeks after conception, many pregnant women exhibit food cravings or aversions.

You may find yourself craving foods you don’t normally eat. You can become sick after eating your favorite dishes. You could also lose your appetite completely.

Heaviness in the Head

If Plan B fails, you may have dizziness or light-headedness, which could indicate that you are pregnant. When you get pregnant, your blood vessels dilate to prepare for the increased blood flow, lowering blood pressure and giving you that lightheaded feeling.


Fatigue, which is one of the most prevalent early indicators of pregnancy, is another sign that Plan B did not work well. Even if you have received 7-9 hours of sleep, activities that have never bothered you before may tire you out, and you may want to sleep a lot more.

To support the developing baby, the body produces more blood, which might create weariness and raise your nutritional needs. Resting, eating nutrient-rich food, and drinking enough water will help ease these symptoms, which normally linger during the first trimester.

Changes in the Breast

If Plan B did not work, you may find that your breasts are heavy, puffy, or sensitive. This symptom can be confused with PMS because it occurs before a woman’s period.

However, something that happens during the first few weeks of pregnancy that does not happen during a regular menstrual cycle may serve as a warning sign. If your areolas — the pigmented skin circles that encircle your nipples – darken or even enlarge.


Spotting is a common early indicator of pregnancy for some women. A week or so before your period is due, little traces of light pink or brownish blood may develop, indicating that your Plan B tablet did not work properly.

Implantation bleeding is the term for this sort of spotting. It can cause discomfort and minor bleeding as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Spotting is sometimes mistaken for a period; however, it is normally much lighter than a period.


Cramping is another indicator that Plan B didn’t work, which might be mistaken for PMS or regular menstruation. During pregnancy, blood flow rises throughout the body. Cramping can be caused by increased blood flow in the uterus.

Although these cramps are normally light, you should consult a doctor if they become severe enough to interfere with your everyday activities. Similar cramping is frequent shortly before a woman’s usual monthly period, but it’s also a common early indication of pregnancy.

So, if you’re experiencing cramps (or the spotting indicated above), don’t give up hope just yet.

How effective is Plan B?

It works best when taken as soon as possible after having sex without protection, within the first 72 hours. The pill is more effective if you take it as soon as possible. It may also be less successful in women who are approaching ovulation or who have a higher BMI (BMI)

How to use Plan B

Plan B should be used according to the product’s instructions. The pharmacist or doctor can describe Plan B that is acquired at a pharmacy. Within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, take the tablet with or without food.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is it safe to consume alcohol after taking Plan B?

Taking alcohol with meds is generally not a good idea. However, drinking alcohol after using the emergency contraceptive Plan B is considered safe. Alcohol can be consumed before or after the morning-after pill.

Despite the fact that drinking alcohol after using Plan B is not considered harmful, it can exacerbate Plan B’s potential negative effects.

Plan b can induce dizziness, vomiting, sleepiness, headache, and nausea in some people, and drinking alcohol can exacerbate these side effects.

Can Plan B’s effectiveness be influenced by one’s weight?

According to the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care, the effectiveness of Plan B may be lowered if a woman weighs more than 70 kg (FSRH).

In addition, the Levonelle Plan B’s creators have proved that it has a diminished effect in women who weigh over 70 kg.

Is there a limit to how many times Plan B can be used?

You can take Plan B as many times as you like for the rest of your life. However, using it on a regular basis is not recommended. If you think you’ll need to use Plan B frequently, look into other long-term contraceptive choices.

Is Plan B going to keep me safe from STIs?

Plan B does not provide protection from sexually transmitted illnesses. Its main aim is to prevent pregnancy by preventing the ovary from producing an egg and preventing a fertilized egg from implanting itself in the uterus.

Is it safe to have unprotected sex after taking Plan B?

Having unprotected sex right after or shortly after taking the morning-after pill, is a separate pregnancy risk on its own. It is best to seek advice from a medical expert concerning this.


Though a good option for preventing pregnancy, plan B does not work all the time. Some of the common signs that show that plan B didn’t work include morning sickness, fatigue, changes to the breast, changes in food preferences, and so on.


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for enochkabange.com and a writer for Wapomu

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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