private health insurance in Ghana

Private Health Insurance Companies in Ghana

The National health insurance authority of Ghana permits private companies to offer health insurance services to the general public. This is in their quest to ensure that every individual resident in Ghana get access to affordable primary healthcare without discrimination. 

These private health insurance companies partner with companies to offer affordable healthcare to workers of the respective companies and their immediate families. Healthcare can be expensive most times and hence benefiting from a health insurance scheme in this era is a must for everyone who can afford to have one.

A lot of people have lost hope in the National Health Insurance Scheme citing reasons like the scheme not covering some basic health-related services and some medications as well.

Joining a private health insurance scheme may be an option to consider. Even if you don’t work in a company that offers such partnership with a private insurance scheme, you can register with them as individuals and still benefit from it.

Which private health insurance is good for you?

Before you settle with any particular private health insurance company, make sure;

  • The said company has a valid license issued by the National Health Insurance Authority
  • The said company has partnership with the health facilities that you are likely to receive healthcare services from.

Also, you are advised to sign up to the National Health insurance scheme (NHIS) before enrolling on any private health insurance in Ghana. Get all information about the NHIS here.

Below are a number of private health insurance companies that offer such services in Ghana:

List of companies offering private health insurance in Ghana

  1. Premier Health Insurance Company Limited
  2. Acacia Health Insurance Limited
  3. Cosmopolitan Health Insurance Limited
  4. Glico Healthcare Limited
  5. Liberty Medical Health Scheme Limited
  6. NMH Nationwide Medical Health Insurance Scheme Limited
  7. Kaiser Global Health Limited
  8. Apex Health Insurance Limited
  9. Empire Health Insurance Limited
  10. Med – X Health Systems Limited
  11. Metropolitan Health Insurance Ghana Limited
  12. Phoenix Health Insurance Limited
  13. Universal Health Insurance Limited

Are private health insurances better than the public NHIS?

By comparing the coverage of the various private health insurance schemes with that of the public Health Insurance Scheme, it comes to the realization that the private ones usually offer a wider coverage of health services and medications than the public one.

On the other hand, most of these private health insurance companies cost more in terms of the amount of money you are required to pay. The public National Health Insurance scheme is very affordable and almost anyone at all can get enrolled on it.

Another advantage that you can benefit from the private insurance companies is that your insurance goes beyond yourself. That means, if you have such health insurance, your immediate family members or declared dependents can also benefit from it when they need any sort of healthcare service. Unfortunately, that is not the case for the public NHIS where your card belongs to only you and no one else can use your insurance to access healthcare.


Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

Dr. Ehoneah Obed (Pharmacist)

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies. His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content. He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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