is sinus infection contagious

Is a sinus infection contagious?

A sinus infection is a condition whereby the nasal passages become swollen, inflamed, or infected. This causes a build-up of fluid in the sinus which can lead to the growth of germs, thus, causing a sinus infection. 

A sinus infection is very uncomfortable to deal with. It causes you to experience headaches, fatigue, runny nose, and even fever. If you know someone who has a sinus infection you might be wondering if you can get it from the person. 

That is if it is contagious. A sinus infection can be contagious; however, it depends on the type of sinus infection the person has. To know the type of infection that can cause the sinus infection to be contagious, continue reading this article.

What is a sinus infection?

Sinus infection (sinusitis or rhinosinusitis) is a condition that occurs when the nasal cavities or the cavities around the nasal passages become infected, swollen, and inflamed.

When this happens, there is a build-up of fluid in the sinuses which can cause germs to grow leading to sinus infection. 

In case you are wondering what sinuses are, they are hollow spaces located within the bones between your eyes, behind your cheekbones, and in your forehead. They produce mucus, which keeps the inside of your nose moist. This helps protect against dust, allergens, and pollutants.

In their healthy state, sinuses are filled with air but can become blocked due to the following factors such as common cold, deviated septum, tooth infections, nasal polyps, weak immune system, etc.

Types of sinus infections

There are 4 types of sinus infections. They are categorized based on their length and recurrence of infection.

Acute sinusitis

A type of sinus infection that can be caused by cold or allergies.  Usually starts with cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, and facial pain. Acute sinusitis usually gets resolved on its own and can last 2 to 4 weeks. Mostly caused by bacteria infection. 

Chronic sinusitis

Another type of sinus infection that lasts longer than an acute sinus infection. Chronic sinusitis lasts up to 12 weeks and may be caused by an infection

Recurrent acute sinusitis

This type of sinus infection occurs 4 or more times within a year. Each infection lasts for more than 7 days.

Subacute sinusitis 

A subacute sinus infection is another type of sinus infection that lasts between 4 and 12 weeks.

Symptoms of sinus infection

Below are some of the symptoms of sinus infection


Fever is one symptom of a sinus infection although not common

Runny nose

One annoying symptom of a sinus infection is that it comes with a runny nose. You may need to blow your nose often to get rid of nasal discharge (usually green or yellow in nature). This discharge comes from your infected sinuses and goes into your nasal passages.

The discharge can also bypass your nose and drain down the back of your throat. You may feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

This is also known as postnasal drip, and it may cause you to cough at night when you are lying down to sleep, and in the morning after getting up. It can also make your voice sound hoarse. 

Nasal congestion

Sinus infection can restrict how well you can breathe through your nose. It causes swelling in your sinuses and nasal pathways which can create a blockage


The constant pressure can give you symptoms of headache and earaches. Mostly happens in the morning because fluids have been accumulating all night long. 

Throat irritation

When discharge from your sinuses goes down the back of your throat, it can cause irritation, mostly over a long period of time.

This can lead to a persistent and annoying cough, which can worsen when lying down to sleep or first thing in the morning after getting up from bed.

Is a sinus infection contagious?

A sinus infection can be contagious. However, it depends on the type of infection you have. There are 3 main causes of a sinus infection namely virus, bacteria, and allergies.

The virus cause is the most common among the 3. A sinus infection caused by a virus can be spread to another person or group of people making it contagious. This could cause them to develop a cold or flu which could develop into a sinus infection.

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Can a sinus infection lead to loss of taste?

A sinus infection can lead to loss of taste. This happens when the nerve endings deep within the nose (they are responsible for sensing smells) are being blocked by excessive build-up of mucus and swelling.

Due to the close relation of the sense of smell and sense of taste, sinus infection with its swelling, excessive mucus build-up and blockage can lead to loss of taste.  

Why does sinus infection lead to loss of smell?

Sinus infection disrupts the olfactory receptors in the nasal lining which can lead to loss of smell. Also, due to inflammation caused by sinus infection, it interferes with the ability of your sinus to drain which is why you experience a loss of smell.

Home remedies to get back loss of smell

Below are some home remedies to get back your sense of smell

Castor oil

Castor oil can be used to regain your sense of smell. “Put one drop of warm castor oil in each nostril. It is necessary to do it twice a day for the best results. This practice is beneficial in eliminating inflammation,” says Dr. Ankita Gupta, Ayurvedic expert from Birla Ayurveda.


Another home remedy that can be used to regain your sense of smell is garlic.

Add 2 to 3 chopped garlic pods to a cup of water. Boil the ingredients in a saucepan. Once the mixture cools down, strain it completely and drink it. The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic compounds can help treat a clogged nose.


Use a piece of peeled ginger and chew it slowly. It is important to chew the ginger at regular intervals. The aroma of ginger is strong and can enhance your sense of smell and taste.

Is a sinus infection treatable?

Yes, a sinus infection is treatable. Here are some ways to treat a sinus infection

  • With the use of a nasal decongestant spray, such as oxymetazoline, this can help relieve sinus congestion symptoms in the short term.
  • Nasal irrigation. This involves cleaning or flushing your nose with sterile water or a nasal solution. Doctors recommend tap water be boiled and allowed to cool before your clean out your nose
  • In Europe, herbal medicines are mostly used to treat sinusitis.
  • Antibiotics, like amoxicillin, treat acute sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection
  • Staying hydrated can also ease mucus congestion

The takeaway from this article

A sinus infection can be contagious depending on the cause of the sinus infection. A sinus infection caused by a virus can be passed on to other people.

So, it is best to know the exact cause of the sinus infection and treat it to avoid spreading it to others or even contracting one in the first place.

You may also be interested in How to get your sense of smell back after a sinus infection


Michael Sarfo
Content Creator at Wapomu

Michael Sarfo is a graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a content creator for and a writer for Wapomu

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Dr. Abel Daartey is a pharmacist by profession, a teacher, and a mentor by nature. He enjoys reading scientific journals and articles and publications in neuroscience and related topics. He aims at churning out content that educates the public and health care providers in meeting the healthcare needs of the populace.

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