premier health insurance

Premier Health Insurance Company Limited – PHIS

According to the CEO, Premier Health Insurance exists to fulfill its mission to make healthcare affordable and accessible and help people to live longer, joyful and healthier lives. In their quest to fulfil the above mission, the company has designed and put on sale very attractive health insurance products to serve every grouping in our society.

Click here to check the list of various private health insurance providers 

Services covered by Premier Health Insurance

The following services are covered by the Premier Health Insurance scheme, thus any member of this scheme may enjoy health benefits in line with the following services.

  1. Dental services
  2. Optical services
  3. Pharmacy services
  4. Consultation and in-patient surgery
  5. Laboratory/Pathological Diagnostic services

Premier Health Insurance has over 500 service providers in Medical , Pharmaceutical, Dental Optical, Laboratory and Diagnostics Services.

Benefits that you can enjoy from Premier Health Insurance

Outpatient services that you can benefit from

These include services where you are not admitted into a hospital setting for multiple days. 

1. Treatment related to acute , Non-Acute, and Chronic Medical Condition.

2. Medical practitioners’ and Specialists’ fees (Consultation)

3. Minor Surgical Procedures (Dressings)

4. Prescribed drugs (both proprietary and branded)

5. Diagnosis such as lab tests, MRI scans, PET and CT scans, X-Rays, Pathology, Imaging, Ultrasound and other diagnostic tests and procedures

6. Dental Care -Filling, Pain Relief, Extractions, etc

7. Spectacles – Subsidy on the frame & lens to a limit.

8. Maternity Care (AnteNatal and PostNatal) – After the twelfth month of membership.

Inpatient services that you can benefit from

These include services where you are admitted into a hospital setting for multiple days.

1. Medical Practitioners’ and Specialists’ fees (Review)

2. Maternity – Deliveries (Assisted or Normal) are covered to limit after the twelfth month of membership.

3. Myomectomy

4. All medical conditions requiring surgeries are covered to limit per procedure.

5. Nursing Care

6. Prescribed Drugs & Infusions

7. Diagnosis such as lab tests, MRI scans, PET and CT scans, X-Rays, Pathology, Imaging, Ultrasound and other diagnostic tests and procedures.

8. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Costs

9. Theatre Costs

What are the insurance plans available?

  1. Corporate health plans
  2. Teachers health plan
  3. Workers health plan
  4. Premier Apomuden plan
  1. Corporate health plans

This package is available to corporate bodies. It is issued to staff of these corporate bodies and covers healthcare benefits for both the staff and their dependents. You are allowed to choose between four different plans depending on the number of employees you have in your company.

The four plans are:

  • Premier Platinum Plus
  • Premier Platinum
  • Premier Mercury
  • Premier Regular

The above plans are listed in descending order of both premiums to be paid and benefits obtained from the packages.

If you are a corporate body interested in enrolling on any of these plans, reach out to the marketing team of Premier Health Insurance. You can send an email to any of these managers:

Prince Offei Larbi ([email protected])

Kwabena Antwi Agyei ([email protected])

  1. Teacher’s health plans

This is a package specifically crafted for government teachers and their dependents. 

It is a government payroll product specifically designed to suit the health needs of our Teachers and their dependents.

When you are enrolled under this package, the payment of your monthly premiums is handled by the CAGD (Controller and Accountant General’s Department) of Ghana. This means that you will never forget to pay your premium and hence get to benefit from it any time you or your dependents access healthcare services.

You will be issued a card exactly two months after successfully applying for this package. That means, you will be able to access healthcare for free two months after you are enrolled into this plan.

For as long as you are a teacher who takes salaries through CAGD, you are eligible for this plan. If you are interested, start by downloading the application form here:

Fill the form and submit it to any premier insurance office around you.

  1. Worker’s health plans

This package is available to all government workers who take their salaries through CAGD. It is a government payroll product specifically designed to suit the health needs of our workers and their dependents.

Just like the Teachers health plan it is also automatically handled by CAGD hence no issues of forgetfulness. Also, you together with all your registered dependents benefit from this package.

Download the form below, complete it and submit it to any of the offices near you.

For the teacher’s and worker’s health plans, here are the premiums to be paid:

Health PlanAnnual (GHC)Monthly (GHC)
Teacher’s Health Plan360.0030.00
Worker’s Health Plan420.0035.00
Membership Card15.00
  1. Premier Apomuden plan

This is the plan specifically crafted for individuals who do not fall under the above listed categories to also benefit from.

  • Relatives living outside the country can purchase this insurance package for residents in Ghana
  • Individuals or residents in Ghana can also sign-on
  • Employees with fewer staff (between 1 and 10) can also enroll on this package for their employees.

You can download the forms and fill or fill the online application form and submit it directly. The information required is the bio-data of the Benefactor and Beneficiary, passport picture and medical condition of your beneficiaries.

Upon completion of the registration form, a premium is quoted. Benefactor proceeds to pay the premiums using any of the payment options provided (MasterCard, VISA, MTN Mobile Money, etc.)

After confirmation of payment by an Officer, a Premier Health Insurance Card and Apomuden Policy Document are delivered to the beneficiaries within 20 working days after confirmation of payment. The benefactor is also given an Apomuden Policy Document.

To start your application process, click the link below: 

Beneficiaries can begin using the Premier Health Insurance Card as soon as received. To access healthcare the card should always be taken to an accredited facility. At the end of the Insurance contract (usually one year), there is the option to renew the contract and get more benefits. 

Alternatively, Call or WhatsApp (+233501550579 or +233501550580) for an officer to assist with the registration.

For more information about this plan, check out this link: 

Who are Premier Health Insurance service providers?

Service providers refers to the various health facilities (hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, dental clinics etc) that accept Premier Health Insurance cards. We have segregated them according to the (old) 10 regions of Ghana. Click on the link that applies to your region to check out all the accredited service providers around you.

List of service providers by regions

Greater Accra Region

Eastern region

Western region

Ashanti region

Central region

Upper West region

Upper East region

Northern region

Brong Ahafo region

Volta region

Answers to frequently asked questions about Premier Health Insurance Packages

Can I access a pharmacy without a prescription?

No, you always need a prescription from a doctor in order to access services with our insurance in a pharmacy outside a hospital.

What should I do when I am denied services?

Please call any of the numbers behind your card before you leave the facility where you were denied service, so that we can quickly resolve the issue and provide you access to healthcare.

How will emergency cases be handled?

In case of emergency please visit any facility and then take a receipt for their service, we shall pay for it after vetting the details.

Can I file for a refund?

  • One can file for a refund in the case of over deduction of premium
  • One can file for a refund in the case of emergency treatment in an unaccredited facility or pharmacy.


Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies.

His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content.

He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

Dr. Ehoneah Obed (Pharmacist)

Dr. Ehoneah Obed is a registered pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and has experience working in a Tertiary hospital as well as various community pharmacies. He is also a software engineer interested in healthcare technologies. His love for helping others motivates him to create content on an array of topics mostly relating to the health of people and also software engineering content. He is knowledgeable in digital marketing, content marketing, and a host of other skills that make him versatile enough to uplift any team he joins.

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